Sunday, January 9, 2011

Friend of Mine - Lea Salonga

Tetiba I teringat kat you babe :D
I hope you still remember who recommended this song for me to listen.. and you really know how to get me :)
kan..?? :) 

Such a sweet heart-melting one.. and that is why I just can't make it stop playing inside my heart.. the melody, the lyrics.. I would really love to THANK YOU for letting the sweetness stays :D 

A dedication made to my beloved Nurulhuda Fithriana and Suzanna Rosli.. if they ever come to this :) LOVE you guys..! Always will.. :D


  1. @toyolkiut: cantikk kan... kan? :D suke sangat..

  2. ~~ sis..sob sob sgt lirik lagu u too dear..

    p/s:: u kene dtg awal..leh la sohsehsohseh lama sikit..leh la cite pasal u..mcm dalam bunga2 cinta jek..share okay..hehehe...uuhh..pas ika..mesti angah nye plak..yabebaduuuuu....

    p/s:: suzanna rosli....

  3. @Anonymous: ehhe amin.. :) i mmg plan nk dtg awal.. when nobody leh kacau kite ahha.. doakan saje ye.. untuk kebaikan semua.. amin..

  4. emm..isb,..sejak ikuti blog kamu byk lagu2 melankolik saya perolehi mule2 mocca,carpenter emm sume menarik...sharing is caring...terima kasih iyer..

    moge baek2 saje..Daa ;p

  5. @Uchi kay-f @hmad: :D sharing is caring.. as much as i love the music i choose to listen, i would really love to know that more of us would feel the same :)

  6. so sweet... rindu saat bersama mendengar lagu2... hihihihi....

