last saturday promised ng budak² nk bwk dorg pi pantai morib. so to morib we went. the whole family -ehhe, almost. coz only along, alang and bancik xjoin. plus, erni pembantu ayah kini. we get along pretty well so far. poor cousin-kimi xdapat ikot sbb miscomm... tu la cakap biar terang ye...
abis je melantak kfc kat tepi pantai yang indah tu.. apau and the rest of the brothers ajak pi tengah laut. ms tu dalam kul 4.30 la lebih kurang, air pun belum start pasang lagi. so kinda jauh gak la klu nk ke gigi air tu. ngan angin pantai lg...mmgla sangat enak klu layan perasaan, tido ke ehheh. tp.. ikut hati mati, ikut rasa binasa. tak nak mati, tak nak binasa.. i led the way..ehheh poyo jek.
biasenye klu dh namenye jalan² santai tepi pantai tu, xdela amik port sgt makhluk² kecik yg turut bjalan² (and some dh terkorban kene pijak oleh manusia² yg kurang prihatin cam kami ni -then). smpai la ditakdirkan one of the 3-pearls terperasan akan satu organisme yg nmpak cam chrysanthemum dlm air. he tried to catch tp cepat sangat hilang that he failed to figure out ape bende tu.
erni nmpak the situation ms tu, and dr diela kami tahu for the first time in our lives, bende tu dorg panggil 'balboret', don't know how to spell it correctly. tp bunyiknye camtu la. mgkin gak 'balburit' or 'balburet'. and boleh makan. yeay!! as a group of 'pemakan' yang disegani, kami pn ape lg terus hunted the rest of the things down...hasilnye dapatla satu 'bekas kedap udara kfc' penuh menatang tu.
what makes me happy & enjoy the life mase tu was, the experience of hunting balboret. very the adventurous. once u get ur hand on its head, the thing akan cepat² trying to get deeper inside the mud to escape. sampai in the end kuku kitorg ni habis jadi kasar tercalar² sbb bsungguh² mengorek the thing keluar dr lumpur. ditambah plak tindakan kami tu mengundang perhatian beberapa kelompok org yg ade kt situ. and some of their kids were even helping us to collect more of the things. kalaula ms tu i had my camera with me..i would share the joy with all :) truly. yg ade cume my csl-phone yg boleh capture low-q punyer photo.
the saddest thing is, i couldn't find anywhere on the net yg boleh bagi info tentang this thing. i need the real name. i even asked a few of my friends yg biase kutip² siput mase zaman hingusan dulu. my ayah -once, a budak kampung yg genuine pn tak penah tau. kalaula ade yg tahu..
last saturday promised ng budak² nk bwk dorg pi pantai morib. so to morib we went. the whole family -ehhe, almost. coz only along, alang and bancik xjoin. plus, erni pembantu ayah kini. we get along pretty well so far. poor cousin-kimi xdapat ikot sbb miscomm... tu la cakap biar terang ye...
abis je melantak kfc kat tepi pantai yang indah tu.. apau and the rest of the brothers ajak pi tengah laut. ms tu dalam kul 4.30 la lebih kurang, air pun belum start pasang lagi. so kinda jauh gak la klu nk ke gigi air tu. ngan angin pantai lg...mmgla sangat enak klu layan perasaan, tido ke ehheh. tp.. ikut hati mati, ikut rasa binasa. tak nak mati, tak nak binasa.. i led the way..ehheh poyo jek.
biasenye klu dh namenye jalan² santai tepi pantai tu, xdela amik port sgt makhluk² kecik yg turut bjalan² (and some dh terkorban kene pijak oleh manusia² yg kurang prihatin cam kami ni -then). smpai la ditakdirkan one of the 3-pearls terperasan akan satu organisme yg nmpak cam chrysanthemum dlm air. he tried to catch tp cepat sangat hilang that he failed to figure out ape bende tu.
erni nmpak the situation ms tu, and dr diela kami tahu for the first time in our lives, bende tu dorg panggil 'balboret', don't know how to spell it correctly. tp bunyiknye camtu la. mgkin gak 'balburit' or 'balburet'. and boleh makan. yeay!! as a group of 'pemakan' yang disegani, kami pn ape lg terus hunted the rest of the things down...hasilnye dapatla satu 'bekas kedap udara kfc' penuh menatang tu.
what makes me happy & enjoy the life mase tu was, the experience of hunting balboret. very the adventurous. once u get ur hand on its head, the thing akan cepat² trying to get deeper inside the mud to escape. sampai in the end kuku kitorg ni habis jadi kasar tercalar² sbb bsungguh² mengorek the thing keluar dr lumpur. ditambah plak tindakan kami tu mengundang perhatian beberapa kelompok org yg ade kt situ. and some of their kids were even helping us to collect more of the things. kalaula ms tu i had my camera with me..i would share the joy with all :) truly. yg ade cume my csl-phone yg boleh capture low-q punyer photo.