I have been busy with selling Nasi Ayam Sara eversince the COVID-19 outbreak. Struggling ups and downs. Alhamdulillah kita bertahan. Hoping 2023 will bring more happiness to the kids and also to the family. And business will grow with the blessings of Allah SWT.
Sara has skipped preschool for no solid reason. She has been my shadow most of her life now. Ke mana pun Ummi pergi, dia ada. Sampai sekarang pun, even bila dah ada Ibrahim, now 10 months old. Sekarang dengan Ibrahim sekali bertindak selaku bayang² Ummi.
Especially Ibrahim, tak boleh tinggal langsung sekarang. His eyes focus on my whereabouts. Kalau nak tinggal dia walau sekejap, let him sleep dulu or minta kakak or abang bawa dia ke ruang lain dalam or luar rumah. Then only I have to sneak out and quickly disappear to settle my business.