earth hour 2009 -mission accomplished!
ehhe.. cam poyo jek tajuk kali ni. hmm sikit² kaitan ng earth hour ok la. yeah, we had fun. i, myself was having sooo very much more fun than the rest ehhe.. 1st earthhour of my life, berjaya kumpulkan quite a number of my loved ones.. walaupn cam nak berangin je bile tepat jam 6.00ptg, penat balik dari menari, dapat tau makcu masih kat sungai buloh ng cik yani.. uhhu kate nk pi masjid negara kul7! ah tak kire, pakcu (yang kebetulan ade kt dpn mate dok khusyuk tgk siaran badminton), yaya and nenek-tina kugunakan... maka janji bertemu di masjid negara termeterai ehhe...yeahhh

ye...kegelapan yang sangat indah kat dataran merdeka. nasib baik tak crowded sangat. budak² pn ada dorg punyer space untuk beraksi bebas. sedikit kecewa sbb hasil kerja our newly-appointed photographer tak bagus malam tu.. to be honest browsing through the captured photos da bagi headache and dissapointment even to the photographer himself... uhhu sian betul. xpe²... next year wat betul²... and we were lucky sbb i have my friend Adam to join us, and die pn ala² professional photographer that nite. i hope ade la a few photo yg die leh sumbangkan for my blog or maybe my flickr... ehhe bole ye?
dalam gelap pn leh menari lagi.. and the photographer yg punya perot 'tercover' ;p..
Apau beremosi pada kegelapan... and the other photographer, Adam
...with Mira, the beautiful colleague
...and apa yang lagi menghappykan, tgh bergelap tu dpt call from mira and i forced her to join us at dataran. makin meriah lagi :) thanks mira. sian my other sis, kid yg duk jauh kat johor time kite plan ye... **update. as well as my charming dinda yang sibuk ng perasmian surau baru kat kampung die malam tu... sejukk hati kanda ehheh
tp jelasnye... bad, sad thing happens. i lost a small piece of my heart malam tu jugak. tu la excited sangat. now tgh berkabung and bermuhasabah diri... uhhu. and yesterday, it reminded me of a story before i met the lost piece of heart... i will fix things, ok my friend...
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