ehhe.. very the controversial ;p
lastnite tetibe terpikir bende ni... happened to be sbb tibe² teringat kat my beloved dinda (a friend yg berdinda-kanda sbb kt smss ktorg dlm satu grup mentor-mentee. is a unique friendship). kekadang bile da lame xupdate blog, my dinda yang sorang ni mesti sound psl blog yg xupdate. as well as my other friends and brothers.
hmm... sbb kan itu, seorang angah-irnie ni yg mmg suke hanyut dalam dunia sendiri mula beranalogi (ehhe, istilah ponnn...) terasa gak persamaan blog ng ur own child or most likely ur commitment.

say u have a child. mane pergi pn, ppl wud really wanna know how ths child is progressing setiap kali jumpe. bile lame xdengar khabar, mula la tepon berdering, text comes in, only to ask a little update bout ur baby. that thing actually happened to me after mi prima-yaya was born. been missing her like crazy klu lame xjumpe. real craziness mase tu. smpai konsentrasi ms keje pn terganggu. ahha...
as per the child, blog pn same gak kan. thanks to friends and family members yg without fail, tak lokek memperuntukkan sedikit masa dari 24jam yg mereka miliki utk menjenguk babyku ini. ur attention is very much appreciated. i will try not to fail u guys by paying frequent updates. so i guess my blogs are now have become my commitment. tanggungjawab untuk 'color' the blogs aka the babies supaya semakin hari, semakin banyak benda yg boleh dikongsi... mungkin jugak dijadikan panduan?? ehhe i doubt that. coz spesies alien cam aku ni, amatlah kurang di bumi...
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