hmm tengah berkira² nak tukar gaya penulisan la. how? just read thru, all up to the reader utk perasan any difference i would possibly manage to bring along the way ahha :) now is working hour but im not in the office. hari ni tak datang keje lagi. my body ache, flu never seem to fly away..
i have a group of wonderful colleagues. some of them understand me very well. i dont have to explain anything, they could just understand my condition, situation and cheer me up everytime. thanks all. especially mira. still young, and yet the action, the thinking doesnt synchronize :)
has been about 2months and a half since i lost my glasses. i tried to limit my sight eversince.. being me isnt that easy kan?? padahal simple je. pi je mane² kedai opto, grab one and voila! da tak yah pk banyak. nope. that is just soo not me. nk dapatkan yg previous tu pn bukn main susah. maklum saje, cari barang pn kene ade feeling² bagai. maklum nk pakai lame. uhhu angah ni setia tau. selagi bleh pakai, selagi tu tak cari lain. ehhe. so bakal life-partner, tak yah dok risau psl loyalty when it comes to angah ;p tp susah sket la nk tawan hati angah ni eheh...
oops ok, enough. tak abis lg citer psl glasses tu. hari ni nk pi a few more places yg kot² ade spec yg leh tawan hati angh ni. bukan ape. mmg nk kene cari gak, sbb my eyes da start affecting my life as in disturbing the mood, badan pn cam semakin lembik, manje.. tido pn awal. so nk wat freelance pn tak larat. uhhu. xleh jadi... klu tak jmpe gak yg bkenan, rembat je yg kt hillpark sane tu.. yg tu da ok tp, klu bleh nk ade lebih pilihan..
yup.. antara sebab angah update blog kali ni, sbb dua hari ni angah penat tunggu blog² yg angah follow belum ade yg update. smpi angah layankn je shoutbox, chatbox, comment kat blog u guys uhhu... camtu pn bleh kn?? sampai yg ni pn angah layankan..
i have a group of wonderful colleagues. some of them understand me very well. i dont have to explain anything, they could just understand my condition, situation and cheer me up everytime. thanks all. especially mira. still young, and yet the action, the thinking doesnt synchronize :)
has been about 2months and a half since i lost my glasses. i tried to limit my sight eversince.. being me isnt that easy kan?? padahal simple je. pi je mane² kedai opto, grab one and voila! da tak yah pk banyak. nope. that is just soo not me. nk dapatkan yg previous tu pn bukn main susah. maklum saje, cari barang pn kene ade feeling² bagai. maklum nk pakai lame. uhhu angah ni setia tau. selagi bleh pakai, selagi tu tak cari lain. ehhe. so bakal life-partner, tak yah dok risau psl loyalty when it comes to angah ;p tp susah sket la nk tawan hati angah ni eheh...
oops ok, enough. tak abis lg citer psl glasses tu. hari ni nk pi a few more places yg kot² ade spec yg leh tawan hati angh ni. bukan ape. mmg nk kene cari gak, sbb my eyes da start affecting my life as in disturbing the mood, badan pn cam semakin lembik, manje.. tido pn awal. so nk wat freelance pn tak larat. uhhu. xleh jadi... klu tak jmpe gak yg bkenan, rembat je yg kt hillpark sane tu.. yg tu da ok tp, klu bleh nk ade lebih pilihan..
yup.. antara sebab angah update blog kali ni, sbb dua hari ni angah penat tunggu blog² yg angah follow belum ade yg update. smpi angah layankn je shoutbox, chatbox, comment kat blog u guys uhhu... camtu pn bleh kn?? sampai yg ni pn angah layankan..

angah ketik² 'Next Blog' tuk tambah koleksi blog yg bleh di follow.. and mostly dalam bahasa yg angah tak paham :(.. sadis kan??
so angah now ade entry baru tuk dikongsi, utk dibace balik tatkala kebosanan dtg menyinggah. jujur, angah enjoys reading her own entries ;) hmm lagi satu, cume nk berkongsi rasa. tak tau la ape rasa sebenar tp, smlm ade masuk blog ths one girl, junior angah mase kata smss dlu... bace punye bace... rase cam familiar jek ayat² yg ths sweet girl gune on her blog.. angah check at mine... yup, those are my words... ahha sgt happy pn ade gak, at least ade a few of our thoughts yg bleh main peranan dlm hidup org lain kn?? ...and angah is soo damn happy to share with others... harapnye bile angah da tak mampu tuk menulis, atau mmg da tak wujud kat dunia ni utk terus menulis, ade la sikit sebanyak yg angah da tulis bleh digunakan tuk sape² je tuk terus meniti hidup ye... amiiinnn...
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