:D flashback started ahha. Woops certainly not of the romance part of course. Work environment. Rindu ar ng ex-colleague. And tgk je manager dlm citer tu, ingat plak kat wz. Agaknye dulu tekanan die pn camtu gak but I guess wz handle things in different ways. And cara die transfer the pressure to us? Ehhe macam perang saraf gitu. Softly but makan dalam. Takde dok main tengking² cam dlm tv tu.. uish dorg ni, tak penat ke gune pendekatan camtu? Tak ke pembaziran tenaga namanya tu? Bleh saje tenaga yg kononnya ekstra tu disalurkan ke tempat lain. Sungguh tak professional oops bukan², sungguh tak gentle! Harap muke je bleh jual ;p Harapkan orang keje tuk die, tp tak reti jage hati.
btw, citer die pn ok gakla and the actors. two and a half (out of five) stars :D ok la tu, kire bagus gak la tu. takdela mengecewakan..bagus bagus..

oh, ni cite psl yg awek tu asik ilang ingatan ek? bile die bgn tdo je die lupe psl ari smlm.. pe tajuknye ye.. oh, 50 first dates.. hehe
ReplyDeletenope..ni citer bese je..nothing special pn.. just that cam bleh layan la.. yg dinde mention same cam 50 first date tu tajuk die '50 harijadi'. that one mmg besh :D