Agar² lumut..made by erni –ika loves agar lumut very much
I have always enjoyed the moment with the little brothers :) smlm balik kampung and it’s a must untuk bawak dorg pi shopping coz they really know how to shop. Hmm.. suke bawak dorg ni coz at their early age, they do it with brains.. cume aku yang paham. And I bet bancik and alang pn paham ng ape yang aku maksudkan. Well semalam, xdela shopping sangat, cume beli sikit barang dapur. Mase nk amik a few flavor of instant mee, apit offer his angah, “angah amikla ape², malam nanti orang masakkan kalau angah nak”. So sweet (i almost cried over this tau). So I picked one. And cari ape lagi utk ditambah dalam masakan apit nnt. Hasilnya..
Voilà..! mamee tom yam, apit style..luaran nampak cam megi kari jek..
My ‘other’ brother, banyak bende u da missed. Aku perasan mase the moment u said “aku tak reti la nk bawak budak² ngah, lainla klu ko ade sekali”. that was how u answered me whn I asked u to take them out to jejak upin ipin kat titiwangsa. sad giler dgr.. :( Spare some time with ur loved ones. Sementara ada masa & peluang. Jangan dok layan keje, tido & frens jek k, *and now fb pulak*. this is for ur own good gak. Ape pn aku paham, masing² ada life sendiri kan??
I have shown my love :) but this is not the only way kan..
*updated Saturday, November 3, 2010 2:10 a.m.

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